Meeting the first needs of customers, how to operate with efficiency.

April 15, 2010 at 9:43 am Leave a comment

The steadfast and adaptive nature of the foodservice and restaurant trade is apparent at the industry gathering the National Restaurant Association’s 2010 show. The brass tracks of supplies in the restaurant business are always requirements. Now, creativity in maintaining the essential inventory to stay afloat in a struggling economy is more important than ever.

Meeting the practical needs of customers proves a challenge that companies like Packaging Resources, Inc. is ready to answer and exceed.

Like PRI’s online retailer the Food Packaging Warehouse, the NRA supplies business wisdom to attendees and members. FPW provides the practical goods of those companies like restaurants, delis, catering outlets and distributors. The necessity of competitive pricing for customers is a paramount concern of FPW, as well as the good business values FPW shares with NRA.

“Rather than creating new trends, the economic downturn has strengthened some existing trends and practices in the restaurant industry,” says one industry insider. “Consumers are more focused on value and getting the most ‘bang for their buck’ when they have less cash to spend, so we’ve seen an increased focus on that.”

This NRA rep goes on to say that “on the operator side, this translates into increasing productivity and managing costs to be able to keep menu prices in check to get guests in the door.”

Enter bulk supply of entrée, deli, side dish, take out and snack food containers. A restaurant’s focus on getting customers in the door begins with the equipment to serve them. Stocking at wholesale prices meets the cost and service requirements for these businesses.

Entry filed under: Deli Food Containers, Take out To Go.

How food packaging supports restaurants new growth! New Twist on Trade Show Giveaways for Retailers, Foodservice and Public Schools

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